I am very excited. My Coryanthes Misasii has arrived. It is very hard to find information on this species of orchid, but it is very cool. This orchid has a unique way to get pollinated. It fills this "bucket" with fragrant syrup, an orchid bee falls in, and has only one way to get out. It crawls through a small tunnel where the orchid places the pollen sack on the bees back. Very interesting. From a distance they look like flying butterflies. Some look a little naughty up close, but hey, they are just flowers. The care for this orchid seems like it would want to placed in spaghnum moss. Usually these orchids drop their flowers downwards, so they should be potted in a basket. The misasii has an erect flower spike, so thankfully, I'm okay there. It is a heavy feeder and i'm assuming with the way it uses liquid, it is a heavy drinker. I will keep you guys updated, but mine has a new growth. here's to finding out a new orchid. Good news, the pseduobulb ...
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